Friday 18 January 2013

That is not a good assumption

Someone asked me,
why is it always

Seri Amalina?

Why don't I blend it
with my dad's name?

Seri Khair
or Seri Mohd Khair
or anything.

It is not that 
I don't love my dad 
or anything.
Please don't get me wrong.

It just that, 
I think 
It might be better
for me to stand 
on my own name.

And let people value me
for what I've done.
Not my dad's.

He's a great guy.
And there is still
a long way to go for me.

And at times,
it hurts me when
people compares both of us.
Cause I'll never be 
as success as he is.

And let me face my own problems
or faults.
It will never be his faults.

Cause he's my dad
a perfect dad for me.

We share the same blood.
But not the same story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed; you should be Seri Amalina....