Thursday 10 January 2013

Snow White And The Huntsman

sorry for being lame.

First thing,
Love that is untold 
always break hearts.
Tonnes of hearts.
The Huntsman is lucky enough
to have his second chance
to love even better.
But what if it doesn't happen
in your dictionary.
Will you ever dare
to let it slips away?
William loves Snow White.
For once not saving her
haunted him 
along the way.
He founds her.
And he loves her.
But yeah,
Snow white was falling 
for someone else.
You want to make his
by letting your first chance
Snow White thinks that
William is the one.
She was wrong.
The Huntsman is.
Just because you think
he's the one for you,
doesn't mean he is.
 Find all the courage
you have.
It leads you
to an open door.


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