Friday 14 September 2012

Le Ex-Top 5

And now that, we are all equal to everybody.

Aliah Syahmina,
Sorry if I served you wrong.
Trust me, you are the best head girl
in history.

Anis Shafiqah
Wohooo, Metallic Black makes us closer than before.
You taught everybody how to try your best
doing things you don't like to do.
And that's how it works in real world.

Amirah Ahmad
Pretty pretty,
One day you'll wake up without having fever when
you dreamt about him. haha.
Jangan lupa jemput aku kahwin :P

Syamsina Saadon
My roommate, bedmate, classmate, dancemate etc etc.
Thank you so much for taking care of me.
You're the best!

We will miss each other.
Here for our victory!
and Seri Puteri.

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