Thursday 26 April 2012

What Happened Last Tuesday

Dated 24th of April 2012

First-For like the very first time, I participated in a forum competition. And lucky me i've only been told about the competition a day before. *I really had a nice surprise from cikgu Halimatus after the assembly* So, yeah. Along with Umairah, Edda and Fairuz we did talk during the forum and again lucky us. We ended up being confused with the format and lost some marks because of it and got the third place. Pretty awesome right? HAHA. The best part was, Cikgu Nasir treated us with LUNCH that day YEAYYYY. Then he took us straight to our school because all the prefects had a team bonding(futsal) that evening.

Second-That evening, 83 prefects of the school went to the Community Club Cyberjaya for our futsal game. The BIG bus had some complication on our way. We ended up reaching the place slightly late because of that. Lucky we still have our MINI bus. Soon after I reached the place, lucky me to be the first team to play the futsal. Here is the best part, our team was called McQueen. So, all of us *Athirah, Amirah, Shasha, Husna, Aishah-unfortunately Irwani wasn't there* have a Q at our hand. *Bajet hebat je* HIHI. OK, yeah. Then we played. The first 5 minutes. 1-1. Azni from the other team was super kasar with everybody. Whysohebat? She pushed me like I'm so small. Which, I am. Haha. Ok, that's not the point. The rest 5 minutes ended up with us being beaten by the other team 2-1. It's ok. Kalah macho what.

Third-Then, sure I'll be the cheerleader for the other team, since we've lost pretty early. The final round witnessing Aliah's team *SWAGGER* going againts Anis's team *GOL DAN GINCU*. With the score 1-0, yeahh the SWAGGER won. woot woot. And afterwards, we had some small price-giving and took some crazy pictures. Later I'll post it. Soon after we reached our yes beloved school, we performed our Asar prayer and go straight to the dining hall. So tired maa *Realising how un-fit I am nowdays* . 

Fourth-Later that night, my mom and dad came to see me to give some things I need. and the day ended up pretty well with a nice and comforting hugs from My abah and ibu. I miss them a lot after about 2 weeks and half. Some people may say that, "2 weeks je pun". Think about it again, I live in AMPANG not in Sabah ok. That's why. 

Ok. Banyaknya cakap.
Kbye :DD

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