Friday 8 April 2011

Don't Remind Me Of It.

i never did have any intention to have a fight. but this time, i will never give up on this paticular matter. people, for crying out loud, you know that i hate to have feud with my bestfriends. but when it comes to dignity matters. i'm not gonna give it in. let me clarify the facts. 1st-i hate being humiliated. 2nd-i hate bananas. 3rd-i hate being unrespected. and look at the mirror, you did all this three things that i hate. i don't give a damn if you want to be a very fun person. but at certain point, you shouldn't cross the red line. i will never stop being mad at you until you realise that people need to be respected in so many ways. i know that to you or even to every person in the world having a phobia towards bananas is funny and out of mind. but i'm not kidding when i told you guys that i'm phobia of it. face it. accept it. and respect it. p/s: it's not i don't want to be the person who back off the feud. but, i did nothing wrong on this case. and since i'm ready to forgive, you may.

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