Monday 15 November 2010

hey soul sisters,

i never felt this kind of hate towards juniors before.
i never thought that they are this kind of STUPID before.
for what sake she's being that kind of rude?
she really gt my nerves.

NAJU: sy minta maaf..
NAJU:I know you know it..
SERI: admit it
NAJU:k.seri, sy nk minta maaf psl status tau k.seri marah kn. so,sy nk minta maaf
SERI:dgn batch aku dh mnta maaf?
NAJU:k.seri ,x kn sy nk minta maaf ngan batch k.seri lps tu k.seri sy x yah minta maaf.
SERI:apa kau ckp ni?tk phm.dh minta maaf lom?tht is the question.
NAJU:x pe la.bye.
SERI:btw dgr siini elok2 kalau dh minta maaf uh tlg jgn ulg lagi.
NAJU:oh.itu sy minta maaf ngan x ikhlas.
SERI:jgn buat btch ktrg mengamuk.
NAJU:sbb tu la sy buat blk.
SERI:oh jdi after ni mmg kau nk ulg blk la?.
NAJU:nmpk x td sy nk minta maaf kn. yg waktu tu sy ckp minta maaf kerana DIPAKSA.pape pon. xpe la.
SERI:papela kau.kalau kau btl2 nk stay jdi sspian. please mind your manners. kalau tak baik keluar jela, sbb perangai kau mmg bkn sspian.
NAJU:who are you ? you think you are the daughter of goverment can easily kick me out of ssp . I think you also mind your attitude..
SERI:i don't want to kick you out my dear bloody junior. i'm advising you to go out. buat kesian ja budak2 batch kau yang akan kena tempiasnya nanti. btw,, my father can easily kick you out from ssp if you want to know. and i'm sry that i can't just resist to be rude to such FREAKING RUDE person like you ok? at least i'm the senior not a junior..
NAJU:bangga la ade bapak keje terjemahan thingy tu.bangga la dh jd senior.waktu zmn junior dulu selalu kene lecture kn ngan senior.bile dh jd senior nk bls balik kat junior pula eh. itu keje BODOH tau x.and you think I don't know about la nk lyn. I have my bigger business here..
SERI:at least when i was a little junior, i never fight back. and there, i'm still a student in ssp. and yeah, i'm proud of my father, very proud. are you proud of your father? i hhope he's proud of you too. he wanted to see your sucsess in everything including being a respeactable person who started by respecting others. yes, i'm STUPID, so do you then. and well, lets see how a small thing can change the next 25 years of your life. lets pray that your kids will not be as RUDE as you are.
NAJU:why do you say you are STUPID ? you're kind. May I speak in Bahasa Melayu. Saya x kisah pun kalu nk marah saya pun pasal bende2 yg saya ade wat bende bkn hal saya x pyh la nk marah sy, sy x nk la diri sy ni dipandang rendah . so sy melawan la balik. sy nk menegakan diri akn ttp melawan balik kalau bende tu bkn salah sy except kalu bende tu salah sy. x kisah la kalau org tu ckp sy ni x respect ke. tp sy berpegang kepada sesuatu.and there is some place where we must respect and not be respect.x kn la kalau bende bukan slh kita , kita nk biarkn.
u Itu namenye org ade wat kesalahan xkiralah dia salah atau org tu salah.haruslah meminta maaf.jd sy ingin meminta maaf kat k.seri sbb sy ade ckp kasar2,xsopan and so minta maaf..
SERI:please, i'm saying this fr your own sake. don't be rude to anybody. for this time being just accept everything from the seniors, your time will come. and i'm sure that you don't want you own juniors being so rude to you kn? so, learn it first, don't be rude to annybody. it's worth it. trust me. we're not trying to tell you that you're LEMBIK. yes, everybody commit mistakes and sometimes they keep on making the same mistakes. but, everbody have a choice, so do you. it's either you want to be the best of yourself or you want everybody to hate you. it's your own choice. if you want to show us that you're not LEMBIK, do it. do it by respecting the seniors, cause they'll respect you back. they'll respect your courage by just shut your mouth. its easy. and do apologise sincerely to them..
NAJU:panjang sgt la.I just read kat bwh tu je la. act, I have made my apologise one bye one. so it's your turn to make my apologise. but you seem so keras kepala la. so may be this end.bye..
NAJU:thnx for advice. I will try it. I try to control my temper..
SERI: gd fr you then.

first of all, this is why i don't want to be a form 4 student, i don't want to deal with this kind of people. let me tell you junior, i am a hot-tempered person too, but i'm not a RUDE person like you.
i don't want to mind your bussiness, but your bussiness is affecting my batch, my love ones. that is why i'm so MAD. and just when i want to forgive you, you're being rude once again. and just when i want to give you a food fr thought, you're being rude AGAIN. what i'm trying to save here is the quality of people in SSP. I love my School ok? it's ok to be rude sometimes, but not like this. This is not the way it should be. your time will come my dear. and its not that i'm fucking care about it that i'm being childish to them. but then there's a lesson that we should give them. they are our juniors too, if they can simply being rude to us, they can also simply being rude to our teachers, friends we don't want that to happen. we love our teachers kn? help her. give her advises, even if she refuses to listen. it's ok to give them a lesson but not just by LECTURING. we're COOL. use other method, such as being sarcastic, give them advises in a good way. be kind to them. but don't just let them be. lets take the responsibilty to be good SENIORS after being good JUNIORS.

nothing will ever tear us apart,

AMIGAS 0812, we're stronger than ever.

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