Saturday 17 March 2012

Next direction?

Yes. I'm confused.
After going through some research.
Here comes the major problem.
I don't know what to choose.

4.Political Science

Here's the thing.
I'm seriously somehow into studying Law at the first place. But then, my dad kind of asked me to take economy since I'm a social science student. And after all, the chance to fly and study abroad if I take economy is even brighter compared to Law. People keep pushing me to take Political Science. They said that I look like a politician. lalalala~ I don't want to be a politician. never. Yet, studying it can be interesting. And as a Peer Group Counsellor, I know how interesting psychology is. So, yeah. I think I better stick to economy maybe. I don't know. Piew piew. I never thought that, choosing can be so hard and simply make a decision is even harder. We'll see. Aim high and I pray to Allah to keep me with the best decision. He knows best. If He wills. 

*Senang senang jadi suri rumah je lah.

1 comment:

Lala Neji said...

law lah..
tapi tak kan seri nak masuk sini kan :p
tapi sebenarnya, masa sem 2 ni akak belajar antara pilihan yang seri bagi..
akak belajar econ and psycho..
so, after diberi pendedahan yang sebegitu rupa, so you may choose mana2 yang seri rasa sesuai dengan seri..
cuba kenal perlahan2..
psycho, counsellor, macam best..
tapi measa belajar, tak semudah yang disangka..
tak seharum seperti bau yang dulu..
econ tak nak comment banyak2..
sebab akak memang akan muntah kalau tengok nombor..
but actually its simple..
akak rasa seri boleh proceed dengan econ..
because you're a fast thinker and have a great subconscious mind..
akak tak suka imagine, suka berangan je..
that why econ macam slow, sebab dia kena banyak imagine..
pape pun, buatlah keputusan yang terbaik yea..
take care :)