Wednesday 17 April 2013

We'll come clean

No, nothing is
as bad as it seems.

Now, tell me.
Are you gonna give a damn 
about them?

Switched At Birth

"At one point in my life.
I did bad things.
I got out of control 
And you asked me 
What's wrong with you?
How can I fix you?
But did you really ask me"

Don't say it like you mean it.
Just say it,
if you mean it.

Don't lose who you are

In the blur of the stars.

You feel great right now.
Being in front of everybody.
Leading the run.
On the top of your life.

You love yourself at this very moment.
And you think that you're the best.
But you're not always the boss.

You can't always expect people to follow your orders.
You need to talk to them
Tell them what is wrong
And tell them how to fix it.

 You have never changed 
when you're climbing
the mount of success.
So, why bother to change now?

Look back and


It doesn't suck to come second.
But it sucks to be treated like you're the second.

I've tried to bring my positive energy.
I failed.
I only managed to find myself
full of anger and frustrations.

This is me.
My old self is back.
And she's holding her grudges.